ZWrestleTalk's creator Triple Z adds some recruits for this special BreakDownZ. Meet the Guests
Andre the Giant Battle RoyalTriple Z: "The Big Red Machine" Kane will win this match. Kane is going to retire soon so this will be a send off for him. WWE hasn't built it up that much so Kane seems like an option. I wish somebody like Tyler Breeze would win. Winner: Kane Dom: I look forward to this year's match hoping the winner will be the beneficiary of a push ,as a result of his win. Hopefully they will allow the match to last a good 20 minutes. Winner Bray Wyatt Jordi: This matchup is one that grows with interest each year in my eyes. Saying that I feel it needs some kind of added bonus besides the trophy, until then winning it just seems a bit worthless. I wanted to say a returning Cesaro to win this but since his return isn't confirmed, Axel is the only other person to win in my eyes, due to his whole gimmick for the past two years being battle royal related and him not yet having picked up a win in one. Winner: Curtis Axel Lorenzo: There is not much to say for me with this. This whole concept has never really been built up and the winners never get any sort of real push. The one person who actually wouldve benefitted from this was Damien Sandow last year, but they went with The Big Show. So its like a match that just is put on at the last minute, especially with it on WrestleMania. Only Social Outcasts, Kane and Big Show really look like the ones to choose between since they are getting the most attention concerning this match. Im not sure who will get it. The only intriguing thing is who will win for me. Winner: Kane The Uso's VS The Dudley BoyzTriple Z: This is one of the three kickoff matches! Really? Three kickoff matches is that really necessary? Also this proves that WWE doesn't have long term ideas. Look at the return of the Dudley Boyz and Alberto Del Rio both started out fantastic and WWE then lost it's stride booking them. I rather of watched a heel Dudley Boyz go up against a baby face The New Day. I despise the League of Nations, and I think that group is just a waste of time. This will obviously be in favor of the Uso's. Winners: The Uso's Dom: This could be a sleeper match… If the Usos wrestle with their usual intensity and the Dudley Boyz can keep up with them. I really hope this will be a passing of the torch moment. Winner: The Uso's Jordi: I found this match actually quite hard to decide on. At first it looked like a clear Usos win, but then I thought more into it and realised that this story could actually be developed alot better than a simple face victory. Usos to pick up the win by being put through tables to set up a hypocrite Dudleys angle. Winners: The Uso's by DQ Lorenzo: Another match that was really feels like it was put on last minute. This feud is not hyped up well enough. I cant really comment in detail because it was randomly put together and a match just to fill the crowd honestly. Now, both tag teams will get their pop of course. The Dudley Boyz and The Usos will put on a fine match. Winner: The Uso's Kalisto VS RybackTriple Z : Here we go again, WWE and it's wonderful booking. I give them credit on trying to create a legitimate feud but in this scenario is it really necessary? Also doesn't this diminish the United States Championship? If the championship can't even be defended on WrestleMania… why does WWE even use it? A Cruiserweight Championship or a Hardcore Championship would fit perfectly in WWE's current mid-card and NXT caliber talent picture. Kalisto will pick up the victory in fabulous fashion. Winner: Kalisto Dom: Big guy vs small guy. David vs Goliath. Too bad nobody seems to care… I love Ryback and I think it will surprise people and be a very good matchup. Ryback will work hard in this matchup. Winner Kalisto Jordi: I feel like nothing good can be gained from Ryback winning this match. Treating Kallisto as a transitional champion and having him lose at Wrestlemania to Ryback, someone who creative can't seem to make their minds up about, can only hurt his career in my eyes, and I don't think that's something WWE want to do to someone who has such potential for merchandise. Winner: Kalisto Lorenzo: The reign of Kalisto has not been to what I expected and many other fans thought it be. Part of it has to be Kalisto not having enough singles matches to really show the champ he needed to be. This whole Ryback-Kalisto feud towards WrestleMania seemed to start up randomly. The story is not quite there. Its the classic, "David vs. Goliath" feel but the word 'classic' is not in the good way. Im sure Kalisto will showcase impressive spots in the match. Ryback will hopefully show up and do the best he can since its WrestleMania 32. Its a match many didnt want, including me, and Kalisto shouldve had a better opponent, but thats hard when half the roster is gone due to injury and one retired. Winner: Kalisto Team Total Divas VS Team B.A.D and BlondeTriple Z: This is likely Brie Bella's last WrestleMania which is a shame when she was a fun baby face to get behind. This will be Lana's first WrestleMania as a wrestler, and moths ago it was rumored they wanted her to be the face of the divas division. Paige's career has derailed since joining "Total Divas." The two teams have been thrown together especially with the fact Eva Marie is in this match. How will the Lana and Eva Marie sequence be in this match? It also is ironic how Emma and Paige were big-named divas during the first NXT Takeover and now they are in the "afterthought" match. It's obvious where WWE's heart lies, they want Eva Marie to be at the top. If you watch "Total Divas" you would understand. Winners: Total Divas Dom: A lot of talented wrestlers. I am really happy to see Emma back on the main roster! I think her team will win the match. Winners: B.A.D and Blonde Jordi: Honestly, who cares about this match? With the better Women's match higher up the card, this "Divas" five on five is just filler. Total Divas to win just because they have a TV show. Winner: Total Divas Lorenzo: This match had some actual build. Lana will have a first match and its on the biggest stage in WWE being WrestleMania. Im intrigued to how she delivers individually. Eva Marie caught me off guard being in this match. Will it be a good match? Not sure. Apparently, Brie Bella is leaving the company after WrestleMania 32 so that points more towards Team Total Divas. Obviously, this match wont be a spectacle but it should garner interest especially towards Lana and like I said, how she performs in her first ever match. Winner: Total Divas Kevin Owens VS Dolph Ziggler VS The Miz VS Sin Cara VS Sami Zayn VS Stardust VS Zack RyderTriple Z: Wow the injury bug must be in full effect. How in the world did Sin Cara and Zack Ryder get spots on the WrestleMania card. Zack Ryder? Yeah that Zack Ryder who probably had the worse downfall in WWE history. I have always liked Zack Ryder but it just seems very random that he would be placed in a big match like this. Kevin Owens will find a way to retain the championship. Kevin Owens needs a single feud with Sami Zayn this is how you start it. Either Sami Zayn or Kevin Owens will win this match. I think KO will get the victory. Winner: Kevin Owens Dom: It will be even better than last year's match .Sami Zayn will prove why he is so highly regarded. Stardust and Ryder have a chip on their shoulders. The Miz is on fire. KO is the best heel on the roster and Zigger is awesome. Winner Kevin Owens Jordi: Sami Zayn is WWE's second coming of Daniel Bryan. He has the fan favourite potential, the look and the raw ability, and he also has something DBry didnt. He has the natural enemy/Rival in Kevin Owens. This match is probably going to set up the most feuds to be carried on after the show, with a Zayn-Owens main roster feud a given, and maybe some sort of tag feud for Ryder and two of the other competitors, in order to bring Mojo Rawley up to the main roster and flesh out the tag division a bit more. Zayn to win, this match to be exciting. Winner: Sami Zayn Lorenzo: The odds seem to be stacked against Kevin Owens. I liked the way how Sami Zayn got onto the main roster. Originally, I thought it be just Owens against Sami Zayn and possibly add Neville to this, but unfortunately Neville is injured. Now, WWE added like 4 other guys and admittedly, its all clustered. Kevin Owens is still to me the favorite and should be. Is it gonna be a bad match? No I dont think so. I can see good spots in this match and it being the first WrestleMania for Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, they should deliver big. Im sure the match will be fine as long as the right guy wins. Winner: Kevin Owens The New Day VS The League of NationsTriple Z: My simple prediction. NEW DAY ROCKS! NEW DAY ROCKS! *jiggles at the end* Winners: The New Day Dom: 4 on 3 handicap match with 7 tremendous athletes. Kofi and Sheamus are the best of these seven wrestlers and have great chemistry. Big E can have a very physical matchup with Rusev. It will be a very good match. Looking forward to the New Day's entrance. Winners: League of Nations Jordi: With the WWE being insistent that the league of nations is now a thing, they have a heel stable that will find it very hard to naturally turn themselves in the crowds favour. This coupled with the New Days gargantuan fan approval, I feel like they can cement both teams into their roles by having the league win here. The new day should make a valiant effort and it should be a very exhausting match up for them, but league to win to cement their superheel status, and New Day to officially turn post match via crowd interaction. Winners: The League of Nations Lorenzo: What to say about this match. The New Day are over. Fans and myself love them. Everywhere they go, pops fired. They've been through everyone really. The League of Nations have come in. The New Day have looked to have gotten the upperhand against them. The League of Nation got their shots in too. Im not the biggest fan of this feud, but Im finding interest in it. The New Day are Tag Team Champions and last i heard the title are not even on the line and i think it will be a mistake to not have the titles on the line. Im hoping the titles are on the line come WrestleMania 32. Overall, it may surprisingly turn out to be a decent match. Winner:The League of Nations Charlotte VS Sasha Banks VS Becky LynchTriple Z: This match has extraordinary hype! The WWE Universe is expecting this to be the "Greatest Divas Match Ever" all the expectations are high! I think they will put on a great show but I also think it won't live up to these monster expectations. Especially with fans who time the matches… I feel like this won't please everyone. As a personal fan of Becky Lynch it would be epic to see her win. I also really like Sasha Banks so I would be fine with either. As long as the "Reign of Charlotte" ends. Winner: Sasha Banks Dom: This will be a very enjoyable contest. The three most talented women on the roster. Sasha can prove she is the future of the division. Winner: Sasha Banks Jordi: This is one of my matches I am most rallying for to be amazing. With the rumours of a womens title reinstatement the following Raw, I feel giving the title to Becky to make her the first Womens champion and charlotte the last Divas champion, and having her pin charlotte clean so that Sasha comes out without being beaten, gives all three Women a next step to take their careers towards. Hoping for a solid match here, Becky to kick some Lass. Winner: Becky Lynch Lorenzo: Another potential good match. It may possibly steal the show. Its gonna be at least a women's match that will consist of actual wrestling and three women who the fans actually like. It will be the first time since WrestleMania 22 were in for a real match and not the cringeworthy matches weve had for the last decade. As long as WWE gives them real time and lets them loose, were in for a real treat. Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch and Charlotte are the three best women wrestlers on the main roster in a minute. In the end, Charlotte's reign will come to an end because a new champion will be crowned. Winner: Sasha Banks Chris Jericho VS AJ StylesTriple Z: AJ Styles being in WWE is still surreal for many. Having him be in a good feud with Chris Jericho is more surreal. I expect AJ to get his WrestleMania moment this Sunday. Winner: AJ Styles Dom: Another potential show stealer. Jericho is such a great heel and Styles is a old school baby face. If they are given enough time these two hall of famers can create a "Match of the Year" candidate. Winner: AJ Styles Jordi: This is by far the easiest match on the card to predict for me. AJ is such a big new brand to WWE that just by having such a high profile first feud I feel like they're setting him up to be big. Expect entertainment and spectacle from this matchup. AJ to win with either styles clash or, if they really want to set up a whingeing heel Jericho, by tapout to calf crusher. Winner: AJ Styles Lorenzo: The debut of AJ Styles in WWE was a good one and the crowd in Orlando that night popped loudly. AJ Styles' run in WWE right now has not been ruined yet. Chris Jericho seems to be the right fit to work with Styles in AJ's first feud. The fans like AJ Styles. I thought the feud shouldve ended at Fastlane, but with Chris Jericho turning heel seems to be a good way to make sense in continuing it. This will be AJ Styles' first WrestleMania in only almost of his WWE run and Im expecting AJ Styles will deliver to the highest he can. I have no doubt Chris Jericho will deliver since he always has for the most part. I'm expecting this match to be good with moves from AJ Styles those that really didnt follow him before havent seen that he has done in the past before he got here. Also, the feud needs to officially end here in Dallas at WrestleMania 32 Winner: AJ Styles Dean Ambrose VS Brock LesnarTriple Z: To paraphrase a line from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. It's the Gladiators match of the century. It's the Lunatic from the Asylum VS the Son of Suplex City. It's going to be a absolute war. I mean anything can happen in this match up. Brock Lesnar usually pushes the PG envelope when he wrestles so this match will be legitimately hardcore. With that being said there is no way Dean Ambrose wins. If CM Punk couldn't beat the beast then Dean Ambrose won't be able too. This match will steal the show though. Winner: Brock Lesnar Dom: This will be a wild brawl. Could potentially be the match of the night. Ambrose will visit Suplex City and Brock will enter the Ambrose Asylum. I expect it to last 30 minutes. Winner: Dean Ambrose courtesy of Bray Wyatt interfering Jordi: If Ambrose loses another PPV match I'll cry. He needs the win here, and the only way I can see this match going is hard and long and violent. Thats the only way him beating Brock at the grandaddy of them all (not sorry vince) is going to look legit. Winner: Dean Ambrose Lorenzo: I'm so excited for this match. They seem to actually build this match up. Now at first, I was wondering what WWE will be doing with him, but this has to be the right fit in my eyes. I think WWE has done a fine job building it especially the likes of legends like Mick Foley and Terry Funk handing him signature weapons like 'Barbie' & a damn chainsaw. It gets me even more pumped. We all know Brock Lesnar is a freak of nature and intimidating, but Dean Ambrose loading himself with those two weapons and others as well will be very intriguing to see how Brock Lesnar handles that especially it being more of Dean Ambrose's environment. I think were gonna get a big tease with the chainsaw during the match where he starts it up with his sinister-crazy look on his face and tries to scare Lesnar. Im expecting blood on both guys. Its gonna be a fight and both will tear each other apart. Im going with the upset and picking Dean Ambrose to win Winner: Dean Ambrose Shane McMahon VS The UndertakerTriple Z: Shane McMahon could be the savior of the century. Shane McMahon could get rid of the stale authority storyline. There is only one big problem, he is facing a veteran with years of experience also one of the most dominant figures in the history of WrestleMania. Shane winning this match is very slim. The Hell in a Cell part also gives this match a complete advantage to Taker. Unless Sting, John Cena, or Kurt Angle show up this match will totally be Undertaker. Winner: The Undertaker Dom: With Shane O Mac you can't expect anything but a lot f jaw dropping moments. Again another match of the year candidate. On Raw those who were asking is Shane too old got their answer .Shane is in the best shape of his life. Taker seems to be in great shape too. Winner: Shane McMahon Jordi: Bye bye Taker. The old saying In wrestling is that everybody goes out on their back, and with this being in Texas and WWE in need of some new on screen freshness, I think its time they let Mark Calaway rest in peace. Winner: Shane McMahon Lorenzo: A match I did not see ever happening. Shane McMahon returning completely caught me off guard and I was marking out honestly. This match is one of the two that should be a must-watch. There are so many questions like will Shane win? Will this be The Undertaker's last WrestleMania match? There is so much interest in this. The match itself should deliver. Im hoping to see Shane in his classic baseball jersey and sweats look. I believe The Undertaker will deliver like always. This is Undertaker's hometown. This is a match of his that he knows only. The Undertaker will receive the hugest pop on that showThis is a first for me and others to see just a match between Shane and Taker. Everybody will have all eyes on this one. Its the type of match people are so undecided on because we want both guys to win. The real question here is: Will this be The Undertaker's last match? Maybe. If it is, it will be a night nobody will ever forget and I think it happens this Sunday. Winner: Shane McMahon Triple H VS Roman ReignsTriple Z: This is a match that we already know the result too. Roman Reigns will win this match and finally have his WrestleMania moment. Sadly no Seth Rollins to save the day this year... Winner: Roman Reigns Dom: It will be a tremendous fight .A fight, expect Roman to be aggressive and kick the Game's ass but Triple H won't go down without a fight. Winner: Roman Reigns Jordi: Lets be honest, who wants to see Roman win here? If you didn't say yes to that, how about a Triple H - (Face) Seth Rollins feud upon his return? Sound more exciting? That's because it is. With the lack of fan approval I expect that WWE wont be too keen to receive that level of fan backlash... and everyone wants to see Seth vs Hunter. Triple H to win with the pedigree. Winner: Triple H Lorenzo: This match is gonna be actually interesting for me. Its one of the main matches I wanna see. Look, we have Roman Reigns coming into this match with fans not behind him. They had him off TV for a couple of weeks, but the crowds still boo him. Hes obviously not over just yet. Triple H, on the other hand, is the champion. Although, hes the one being cheered and hes suppose to be the heel. That gets me nervous how the 80,000+ fans in Dallas will treat both guys. Im expecting boos raining down on Roman Reigns, but how Reigns will react to those boos will be the story for me, not just the match itself. Im expecting the match to actually turn out good too. We may get a tease of a heel turn from Roman Reigns since i heard WWE is going with the idea of turning him. Im pumped overall. I'm curious to know the reaction in the post-match when I say the WINNER will be Roman Reigns. WINNER: Roman Reigns Follow on Twitter @ZWrestleTalk @TripleZ_87 @domghosthunter @Jordi_DGAF @Renz559
4/1/2016 10:06:08 am
FANTASTIC work here. I will be interested to see if TZ is right as he seems on an island vs. the other guys. Some random thoughts? Zach Ryder goes from a Hype Bros in NXT to a big match at WM? Taker is not going to lose, but New Day will. I don't even care about HHH vs RR- is that odd? Still nothing like WM!
Triple Z
4/1/2016 11:00:54 am
Suplex, How am I on a Island me and the guys had most of the same predictions lol.
4/1/2016 11:39:09 am
You're right- seemed like that to me- You had Taker- they had Shane, you had New Day, they had LON- but other wise a good mix. my bad
4/1/2016 10:15:45 am
Cena has to come back. Maybe he saves Shane? Nice work on this guys.
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