Special BreakDownZ today!Today on zwrestletalk.weebly.com we have two special guests to help me predict and breakdown the card for WWE's Money in the Bank event. Let me give you some insight on who these two guests are… Zack HeydornZack Heydorn has been a avid wrestling fan of the last 20 years, and is currently a writer for ProWrestlingPowerhouse.com his most recent article is on the possibility of a Stone Cold VS Brock Lesnar match at WrestleMania 32. Zack Heydorn loves to get into debates and will educate you on the wrestling business! Check out more material from Zack Heydorn here! http://www.prowrestlingpowerhouse.com/author/zack-heydorn/ Zach McGibbyZach McGibby is host of the critically acclaimed podcast "Raw is Gibby Podcast" and today after helping promote zwrestletalk.weebly.com for many months he now gets to come on my site and write his thoughts and opinions on this Money in the Bank event. (P.S this dude has like over 3,000 followers on Twitter) You can find his podcast(s) here at rawisgibbypodcast.blogspot.ca/ Kickoff Match: King Barrett VS R-TruthTriple Z: Let me start this off, King Barrett didn't need to win King of the Ring. That is a fact that everybody realizes now. R-Truth probably had the comedy moment of the year on this weeks episode of Monday Night RAW, Truth deserves a "Slammy" for that moment. This doesn't do anything for either opponent, so basically this is a toss up. I'm going with R-Truth just because of Barrett's recent derailing. Gibby: The match that’s just kinda there on the card features 2 guys who have just been filler competitors in multi-man matchups which is a shame because both these guys have a tremendous amount of talent with Truth having great agility and quickness, especially for his age, and King Barrett who has shown a great knack for being a brawler in the ring. These 2 guys have absolutely no reason to be in the ring with each other as they have no storyline and the only thing you count as heat between these 2 guys is Truth pinning Barrett at Elimination Chamber to eliminate Barrett first but they haven’t built on that angle AT ALL! Be fully prepared to see almost 5 minutes of wrestling here and forget about this match about 2 minutes after it happened. The one who I guess needs the win the most has to be Barrett. He has just consistently been on the down slope losing match after match, week after week. So I think Barrett gets the win here but look for him to continue to go back on his losing ways. Heydorn: Ok, King Barrett I get, but how does R-Truth keep getting booked on PPV’s with Bray Wyatt sitting on the sideline? Let that sink in for a second … This guy is like the new age Taka Michinoku. They just can’t seem to get away from him I guess. Regardless of how I view good ‘ol R-Truth, this match could end up being decent…maybe? Who knows. I’m 100% not expecting anything out of the ordinary or great, but it will be your typical kickoff match. I’m predicting a Barrett win in pretty convincing fashion. It really feels like he has stalled out since his King Of The Ring win and not that a victory over R-Truth will really do anything for him, its better than a loss. King Barrett 2 , R-Truth 1 Ryback VS Big ShowTriple Z: Unlike the two expert's doing this with me, I'm going to give a very short prediction. I'll sum it all up right here. BIG SHOW- Everyone hates him everyone wants to see him just retire. RYBACK- Been connecting with the audience and seems to be working hard. Ryback is the champion and I don't know how this makes him seem dominant but whatever works I guess… Ryback is my prediction. OK Heydorn lets hear your analysis. Heydorn: Alright Triple Z, so I could write very similar things for The Big Show that I did for R-Truth. I just don't understand how he is still booked the way he is and as strong as he is because nobody truly sees him that way any longer. This feud however, I'm kind of enjoying so far. Ryback is really working hard to click with the audience and it's working. Him being able to go up against a monster like Big Show and dominate him is going to get him over even more. Perfect example is the Shell Shock on Raw this past week. A huge move on an even bigger guy is what Ryback needs to be doing as that is what is connecting him with the audience. As far as the match itself, I don't expect anything too special. I do think we'll see some major power moves from Ryback on Show to keep his momentum going. Ryback is definitely walking out with the belt come Sunday. Gibby: In the 1st legitimate title defence of Ryback’s reign as Intercontinental Champion, he has to go up against the almighty returning Big Show in a match which nobody really wants to see, especially that after the 1st defence of the IC Title (legitimate defence). The build-up to this, for 2 weeks, was fine. It set up the rivalry but wasn’t the most extraordinary feud going on in the company. I felt that they somewhat spoiled the blow-off to the feud already with Ryback delivering Shell-Shocked to the Big Show on Raw. This will be a match full of rest holds because Ryback is known for getting gassed very easily and Big Show is… well… the Big Show. Don’t also expect a technical display, this will be most likely be a big brawling affair. I am not expecting much out of the match as I fully predict Ryback retaining the title here and let the Big Show feud go. There has been no indication they are looking to continue the feud after Money In The Bank. So look for the Big Guy to conquer the Big Show in a dominating fashion. Ryback 3 Big Show 0 Nikki Bella VS PaigeTriple Z: To be honest I think we are in for a good one here. Nikki Bella recently has brought back "Twin Magic", Which for many reasons insults many audience members intelligence's. Paige is playing the baby face, which is the problem. Paige is not a convincing face at all. Just watch one episode of Total Divas. Paige should be playing the heel and Nikki Bella should be the face. Maybe they throw in a loop maybe we get a double turn?? The only thing I know for sure is that none of the NXT Women's Wrestlers will be called up. Triple H is enjoying the stacked division down there. So we should all lose hope that Charlotte is coming up to the main roster. So Nikki Bella's reign of dominance will continue. Sorry Paige fans… Winner: Nikki Bella Zack Heydorn: We can all admit now that Nikki is a formidable Diva’s champion and pro wrestler in the WWE. She’s had some good matches with a variety of different opponents during her run and is constantly restricted with time. In my opinion, if she was given the time that say a Sasha Banks/Charlotte/Becky Lynch are down in NXT, I think Nikki Bella could really deliver successfully in a big time match. On the flip side, Paige is obviously an extremely talented worker who can go in the ring and on the mic. For some reason people see major differences in the work rate of Nikki and Paige. I digress on the mic skills as Paige is better, but in the ring though, I think they are closer in talent than you would think. For that reason, I think this match could surprise us all. We have two divas that undoubtedly have heard all the praise that the NXT women get and now have their chance to shine on their own and prove they are the best. If they are given the proper allotment of time, I’m calling now that they will have a very good match. From a storyline perspective, I’m saying that Paige walks with the title to further the “this is my house” “I’m shaking up women’s wrestling” element that this feud has taken on. Winner: Paige Zach McGibby: ANOTHER match between these 2 divas just go to show how lacking in depth the Divas Division has right now. The fact there are wrestlers like Cameron and Rosa Mendes on the main roster over wrestlers like Charlotte and Sasha Banks is a real shame. But that is a rant for another day. I legitimately don’t remember the reason these 2 are fighting each other but there fighting each other! I fully expect Nikki to retain here. To me, it looks like they want to keep the title on her to beat AJ Lee’s record just to have somebody beat AJ’s record. Now that doesn’t mean these 2 can’t put on a solid match. They can be good if they aren’t sloppy with their move choices and also, especially with Paige, to stop shouting out their moves. But look for Nikki Bella to retain and continue her run as Divas Champion. Nikki Bella -2 Paige- 1 The New Day VS The Prime Time PlayersTriple Z: I honestly enjoy both tag teams. Prime Time Players are very entertaining to me and should be able to mock the New Day well. The Prime Time Players are on their way up but will they win the titles? Nope not today. The New Day still has a long reign in front of them. The New Day has been on a roll. Xavier Woods is a great in ring competitor so it would be nice to see him shine in this match. Titus O'Neil is the most underrated guy on WWE Roster. They could do so much with him. I"m sure PTP will get the titles one day but Money in the Bank won't be there day. Zack Heydorn: The PTP don’t do as much for me as they do others so automatically this match and story gets docked a few points. I never thought I’d utter these words, but it seems as if the PTP were built up strictly to be fed to The New Day. No, hell has not frozen over, but that was pig flying by your computer screen. The New Day is squashing people now? It looks like it and its because they have really hit their stride as characters and know their roles when they step into the ring. Things are clicking for them right now and as soon as the WWE finds a formidable babyface team (returning Uso’s) it will mean a big time money feud. That said, The New Day is walking out of Money In The Bank with the tag team titles. There is not a question in my mind about that. As far as the match itself, without Kofi in there it will be a little bland. I’m not expecting Flair/Steamboat 2.0 with these guys, but at the same time, I don’t think it’s a bathroom break either. Zach McGibby: A fresh and new match-up that I am actually pretty interested to see. New Day has been awesome embracing their gimmick. They have really taken the ball and run with it when they won the Tag Team titles. The Prime Time Players have also been rising up in the card. They are also a very exciting and interesting tag team that could continue to be a tag title contender past Money In The Bank. With that in mind, this should be a highly contested bout which will see the New Day retain their titles. While I have been loving the way they have been pushing the PTP up the card, they are not at that point yet to win the tag titles. They will probably continue this feud after Money In The Bank and then, and only then, will we see PTP win the titles off of the New Day. But for now, look for this match to have a couple of spots that will get the crowd off their feet and Xavier Woods continuing to be awesome in the manager role. New Day 3 PTP 0 The Money in the Bank Ladder MatchTriple Z: Why have a PPV called Money in the Bank if your only going to have one Money in the Bank match. Especially this match is lackluster on all levels. We got 4 heavy brutes played by the roles of Roman Reigns, Sheamus, Kane,Randy Orton. Then we got our 3 dynamites Kofi Kingston,Neville, and Dolph Ziggler. Money in the Bank should be full of dynamite! This match obviously isn't… I'm going with the safe pick of Roman Reigns. When in doubt it Reigns. Zack Heydorn: The competitors in this year’s match are Roman Reigns, Sheamus, Neville, Dolph Ziggler, kane, Kofi Kingston, and Randy Orton. Man, that seems lackluster doesn’t it? Because it is. Now, I fully understand that the point of this match is feature up and coming guys and easily trigger storylines, especially with the awarding of the MITB contract. But that said, with this combination of guys, I find it really had to see the chemistry that would yield a good match. Yes, I do expect a very cool spot with Neville and his Red Arrow off the top of a ladder. Kofi will certainly not disappoint and is usually pretty creative in these matches. Ziggler will take a huge bump or two I’m sure. Those spots will be exciting. Outside of that, I’m not sure they can get it done. I hope I’m pleasantly surprised. Roman Reigns will be the MITB winner once the smoke has cleared on this match. They have been pushing that on us every week since the build to this match began and there aren’t any true real alternatives. Sheamus? No way. Kane? Please. God. No. Randy Orton? Nah. The only logical choice is for a Reigns victory. That said, I think he will be a short lived MITB contract holder because my prediction is that after his win, he will cash-in the contract on the same night against the newly crowned WWE World Heavyweight champion, Dean Ambrose. Therefore, the Reigns heel turn will commence and it will begin with this match. Zach McGibby: This match to me seems quite obvious who is going to win. I am 99.9% confident that Roman Reigns is winning the Money In The Bank briefcase. And with that briefcase, I do NOT see Roman Reigns turning heel with that briefcase. It would not be the smart idea to do that as Roman is real getting the crowd back into him and he is constantly improving his already solid in ring work and his mic skills. This would cause a screeching halt in momentum for Roman in something similar to how Ryback randomly turned heel which didn’t benefit him in the long run and only now is he able to get his career back on track. This match should be something somewhat exciting and we will probably lay witness to the use of a lot of ladder spots. Will Kane be involved? Probably. But not as big as one might expect. I think he is there to leave the sense of doubt in whom the Money In The Bank winner will be. But ultimately, its Roman or bust. Gibby’s Pick: Roman Reigns Gibby’s Darkhorse: Sheamus or Neville Roman Reigns: 3 Kevin Owens VS John CenaZack Heydorn: Just like the rest of the wrestling world, I am salivating at the thought of this rematch. This match sums up what pro wrestling is all about. Great promos, larger than life personalities, perfect work inside the squared circle, and outcomes that can be debated over and over and over. This match and story has all of that. The promos that Owens and Cena are delivering have been A+ with each literally trying to outdo each other. Their chemistry is off the charts as well. I truly expect these guys to treat this match as a sequel and include stuff from the first match be it counters, submissions, and other parts to continue to tell their story. As far as who is winning this one? Tough call. I’m going with John Cena though and I like that pick more and more with every second. The angry and undefeated heel gimmick has been done to death. Owens is going to have to lose at some point or else literally nobody will be able to beat him ever. We don’t need two Brock Lesnar’s walking around. Not to mention, Owens is the NXT champion. Somebody is going to have to pin him for that belt at some point in the near future and it won’t make much sense to me if that happens when John Cena can’t even take the guy down. Cena is going over in this match. Once he does, Owens will beat him into oblivion setting up their final encounter at Summerslam for the US Championship. At that point, Owens will have lost his NXT title and will go over in this feud to finish it off. The other thing that a Cena win does is give Owens another dimension to his character. How does he handle losses? Can he remain just as dominant moving forward? It will be those kind of questions that will just make Kevin Owens better. We won’t get to see that unfold if he pins Cena again straightaway Triple Z: Champion VS Champion Here is the deal, Kevin Owens beats John Cena again. Kevin Owens needs a shot at the U.S Title. The thing is if John Cena wins then the whole IWC will die on the spot. Die on the spot. The IWC will kill the angle if Cena beats Owens which is the scary part. Owens winning would make the most logic that would be the overwhelming favorite in everybody's eyes. What about a disqualification that seems unlikely. So who goes over Kevin Owens by Cena not being able to compete any longer. This would make Cena look very beaten and it would prove that Kevin Owens is a monster. So I'm expecting a Brock Lesnar size beatdown for Cena this Sunday! Zach McGibby: This is the match that most people are very interested in seeing. Would WWE allow Kevin Owens to beat John Cena cleanly in the middle of the ring again? My answer to that is… no. I don’t see WWE giving Owens another clean finish but this is what I imagine how this fight will go. I don’t like this finish personally but for Kevin Owens, I think it could work. I think they should go with the Owens kicking too much ass finish. This is when the wrestler doesn’t adhere to the five count when another wrestler is in the ropes which ends the match in a DQ. Why I think this finish could work for Owens is that he feels he is past John Cena because he has beaten John Cena clean. So in order for him to not have to face Cena again, he will do what he can to make sure that John Cena can’t fight. Look for Owens to go out on an all out assault of John Cena to really make him stand out as one of the top heels in the company. Look for them to try and emulate the match they had at Elimination Chamber for the first couple of minutes and then Owens to break away and dominate. Gibby's pick: Cena via DQ Cena 2 - Owens 1 Seth Rollins VS Dean AmbroseZack Heydorn: I love this feud so much. These two just work together perfectly on so many levels and it truly is a sight to see on TV each week. Ambrose has really made himself a star and you have to credit Seth Rollins for helping him get there. Rollins is the perfect heel to Dean Ambrose as the babyface. Their yin and yang clicks better than anything we’ve seen in a WWE in a long time. I loved the build for this match. With Ambrose stealing the title, he was able to actually look the part of a champion and be on equal footing with Seth Rollins. Rollins played the whiny heel role to a T which in turn leverage Ambrose up even bigger. The ladder match is a logical place to go with this story and will really steal the show. I’m expecting some cool spots with Rollins and some all out brawling from Dean Ambrose. For the finish, like I said in my above predictions, I’m going with an Ambrose victory here and with it a Roman Reigns heel turn. Ambrose will win the belt and immediately Reigns will cash in and take it from him. This sets up Ambrose and Reigns throughout the summer and Rollins can continue his feud with The Authority and Brock Lesnar once he returns. Zach McGibby: This will be an interesting matchup as now we are seeing these 2 guys face off in a different stipulation, a ladder match. Again, just like the ladder match, I fully expect a lot of spots involving the ladder. Ultimately, this will lead to Seth Rollins retaining the title and beating Ambrose whether it involves the Authority or not. What I could see happening after the match if this upcoming person is up to it is Rollins beats up Ambrose after the match for stealing his beloved title for weeks. We see Rollins beating on a depleted Ambrose after having a long match then all of a sudden, the music hits, and Brock Lesnar comes out to destroy Rollins. He grabs the title and mentions how Rollins stole the title from him in Lesnar’s act of rage. This can help set up the future Rollins vs. Lesnar match-up. But for now, I fully expect Rollins to retain and continue being the Authority’s champion. Gibby’s Pick: Seth Rollins Triple Z: So far this has been the feud of the year. There is no denying Ambrose VS The Authority. Dean Ambrose has been compared to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Ambrose is the modern day renegade. Seth Rollins has become his own unique figure in The Authority. Rollins can't win on his own its a given. Especially in a Ladder match verse Dean Ambrose there is no way. So Kane or J and J will do the right thing and help Rollins retain the title. This will set up at SummerSlam a triple threat. Seth Rollins VS Brock Lesnar VS Dean Ambrose. Dean Ambrose wins and then Roman Reigns cashes in. Sets up the perfect angle. They might not go through with this but its fun to think. Anyways the title will be pulled down by Seth Rollins at Money in the Bank. Seth Rollins 2 and Dean Ambrose 1 The Ending of the BreakDownZDid you enjoy the special guests? Let me know right now! Take the survey! Well I hope you enjoyed all the predictions and analysis! Any special guests in the future you want let me know in the comments!!!
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6/12/2015 12:36:30 pm
Good format. Ambrose winning would be a good swerve.
6/12/2015 12:39:27 pm
KO has to win. Or the match has to be with a fluke finish. And unlike Rusev KO is in it for the long run. I like the format. Curious if we'll ever hear from Goldie again. RIP Dusty
6/13/2015 12:53:59 am
Thank you guys for reading! This was a really fun project to work on and I'm expecting a great PPV tomorrow
6/13/2015 01:51:49 am
This has me pumped for the show. McGibby's way too confident on RR winning though! This has potential to be a great PPV. I've always loved MiTB and it's a format that lends itself to being great action and TV, but this year you do have some solid back stories to go with.
6/13/2015 06:53:43 am
McGibby is nuts- Cena will not lose. He'll make owens look good (like he always does) but that's it. Bring on the next pretender!
Anthony Pettis
6/13/2015 10:07:08 am
Mitb is my fav PPV of the yr
Triple Z
6/13/2015 11:43:08 am
Suplex, Thanks for commenting! I hope I hear from "Goldust" too. Adds excitement and always gives me a good laugh!
6/14/2015 05:05:05 am
Yep- I am hoping for Goldust too- but he's gone dark I think- especially in mourning now
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