Tonight TNA hosts bound for glory and I'm here to break it down and make my predictions.
The first match is the pre-show. ERIC YOUNG AND JOSEPH PARKS VS BAD INFLUENCE VS SUPERMEX VS THE BRO-MANS WINNER FACES JAMES STORM AND GUNNER IN REAL SHOW. In this match I expect It to be a little slow and boring. I think Eric Young will go charismatic on the bro-mans and that the team of ey and joe parks wins. WINNER: JOSEPH PARKS AND ERIC YOUNG JAMES STORM AND GUNNER WILL WIN AGAINST ANY OF THE TEAMS THAT WIN THE GAUNTLET. KNOCKOUT CHAMPIONSHIP ODB VS BROOKE VS GAIL KIM This division Is just a struggle no more mickie or tara and now that Taryn Terrell is pregnant this isn't good. ODB somehow is over with the fans. Brooke is hot. Who wins I don't really care but honestly i think no one wins and that freak lei'd tapa interferes. NO CONTEST. THE X DIVISION MATCH SAMOA JOE VS MANIK VS CHRIS SABIN VS AUSTIN ARIES VS JEFF HARDY Ultimate X + Jeff Hardy = Crazy. Can Ethan Carter the 3rd be in this probably can he walk out as champion. yeah but is this really the right call. Sabin had a heel turn but that still doesn't him anything to win the title. When he was TNA heavyweight champion he didn't draw well he was boring. My dad doesn't really like Austin Aries but I do and he's a good wrestler but is a heel or a face what the heck does TNA want him to be. Samoa Joe was in one of the first x division matches. I have to go with the charismatic egnima though. WiNNER: NEW X DIVISION: JEFF HARDY BOBBY ROODE VS KURT ANGLE Another My dad reference he said that Kurt Angle is in TOP 10 wrestlers of all time. I agree. This will be a classic wrestling match with submission and slaps and all that. Who wins its pretty obvious. WINNER: KURT ANGLE MAGNUS VS STING Sting doesn't need to win this match but Magnus does and if Magnus doesn't win then TNA Creative Team is more stupid then we all thought. From me though I Pick Magnus. WINNER: MAGNUS TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH AJ STYLES VS BULLY RAY Now despite the dirt sheets saying EC3 comes in during the X division match. I think I see it now with Mike Tenay and Taz commentary Tenay: Oh My God look Taz your brother Knux and Bischoff just hit Bully Ray with a hammer. Taz: No this cant happen no way no way. Tenay: AJ hits the 450 splash 1...2...3 . Styles did it he did it. WINNER: NEW CHAMP: AJ STYLES <<<< ETHAN CARTER III MUSIC PLAYS >>>> ETHAN CARTER ATTACKS STYLES AND DIXIE JUST WATCHES IT AND THEN ETHAN GRABS TNA TITLE AND HOLD IT UP.
1 Comment
Colin Delaney
10/20/2013 08:00:21 pm
Not a bad effort on predictions... Better luck next ppv
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