Taker, Edge,and HBK. are all circling each other. Shawn throws a strike at Taker. Taker reverses and drags him arm into a old school. HBK reverses when Taker is on the top rope and throws him off. Edge comes over and hits a body slam on HBK. Edge then hits a quick elbow drop. Edge now just stomping on HBK. Taker lifts himself back up and is about to chokeslam Edge. Then HBK runs into the chokeslam. Taker about to perform the double chokeslam until Edge and HBK reverse it in the middle of the air. HBK then starts to climb the ropes, Edge follows him they are trading strikes at the top rope. Edge hits a top rope suplex on HBK onto Taker. Taker and HBK pop up at the same time in the same place. Edge then gives them a double spear. Edge pins Taker 1…..2… kick out. What is it going to take to put the deadman down. Edge is thrown up against the cage after HBK popped up. HBK is sizing Taker up for the sweet chin music and it connects. HBK then climbs to the top rope and hits a moonsault. Taker is being covered 1…..2……3!!!!! Undertaker has been eliminated from Clash of the Generations. HBK is now looking around and he see's EDGE. Edge gets up their both in diagonal corners. Edge and HBK lock up and HBK is bounced off the ropes. HBK tries to go for the clothesline. Edge ducks, when HBK is on his way back he get back body dropped. Edge hits a leg drop. Then Edge see's HBK pop up. HBK then comes up he's bleeding. HBK hits a running clothesline. HBK locks in a sharpshooter. Edge crawls to the ropes and powers out. Edge throws HBK into the corner. Edge makes HBK's feet dangle from the top rope. Edge comes running in and hits a baseball slide to HBK's head. HBK falls over, Edge then pulls HBK to the center of the ring and locks in a boston crab. HBK reverses and throws Edge down. HBK goes to the corner and starts to stomp. Thud.Thud.Thud. HBK is about to hit the kick on Edge but then Edge Ducks. Edge then goes into the corner start pulling his hair back and gives off the crazy eyes and HBK turns around and gets speared.
1……..2……….3. Your winner of WWE Clash of the Generations is EDGE. Hope you enjoyed Clash of the Generations. This was strictly based off voting i didn't add in my personal opinions. Follow @TripleZ_87 @ZWresleTalk
6 men left. CM Punk and Taker are now battling The Rock and Steve Austin. The Rock gets up out of the corner and is awakened by a knee and a bulldog by CM Punk. Austin just put up a suplex onto CM Punk. The Rock has gotten up and is irish whipped into the ropes. Then the Rock is kicked in the gut and he gets Stunnered!!!!! 1…..2……3. CM Punk then hits a stunner onto Stone Cold. Taker is now lifting Austin back up and Taker hits a tombstone piledriver. 1…….2… broken apart by CM Punk. What's going on here??? Punk wants to finish Austin by himself. Punk hits a roundhouse kick to the head on Taker. Punk now lifting up Austin and hits a motionless Austin with a GTS. Punk cover Austin 1….2…..3. Good God Almighty did this just really happen. Stone Cold just got taken out by CM Punk. Punk is smiling in the corner. Punk walks out and just starts beating and taunting Taker. But then out of nowhere Edge spears Punk!!!! 1…..2….3. The Phenom, The HeartBreak Kid, and the Ultimate Oppurtunist are left. Who wins find out in the Final Part of Clash of the Generations.
@TripleZ_87 @ZWrestleTalk After Bob Backlund turns around Sammartino and Cena start beating the living heck out of him. Until Eddie Guerrero comes and hurricarana's Cena and dropkicks Sammartino. Then Guerrero hits a spring board DDT on Backlund then Guerrero sets up the frog splash. Guerrero hits the frog splash 1……2……..3. Bruno is back and locks in a bear hug onto Eddie. Eddie rolls through and pins Sammartino. Guerrero then has a stare down with John Cena. They lock up Cena throws Eddie into the ropes Eddie slides under Cena. Eddie hits a kick to Cena's head. Cena is wobbling then Guerrero hits a cross body off the 2nd rope. Ric Flair comes into the action with some hard punches. Eddie kicks Ric in the balls. Eddie taught the Dirtiest player in the game to lie,cheat, and steal. Cena gets a shoulder tackle on Eddie and prepares for the five knuckle shuffle. Eddie pops up off the ground and hip tosses Cena. Eddie then hits a flip onto Cena. 1….2… kick out. Eddie Guerrero then goes to the top rope and hits a frog splash on Cena. Eddie goes for the cover 1….2.. kick out. Eddie gets Cena up and hits a Lucha Libre DDT. 1….2…kick out. Cena has kicked out of everything possible. Eddie then does the three amigos. Eddie goes back up to the top and hits the frog splash 1….2…3. Finally Cena is done in this match but what a fight he put up. Eddie meets back up with Ric Flair. Ric is holding onto Eddie's tights then Flair hits Eddie with a low blow. Flair locks in the figure four leg lock. Then The Rock who just got done fighting in a slobberknocker with Steve Austin. Comes and hits the People's Elbow on Eddie while Eddie is still in the figure four. 1….2……3. After a amazing showcase Eddie Guerrero has been eliminated. The Rock then hits the people's elbow on Ric Fair. The Rock pins Ric Flair 1….2….3. Austin hits a Lou Thesz press on the Rock and Austin is laying haymakers onto The Rock. Austin then hits a knee drop on the Rock and lifts the Rock back up to Irish whip him into the corner. Austin would start stomping a mud hole into The Rock. CM Punk is currently mixing it up with the UnderTaker. Edge is fighting Shawn Micheals. Were down to 6 men. To Be Continued.
@TripleZ_87 @ZWrestleTalk. It's here it's finally here you get to find out who won Clash of the Generations!!!!!!! ***Remember Clash of the Generations is based off voting and not my personal opinions ,Im just writing the story. 16 men will all start in the rings there will be 2 rings and 2 steel cages. You have to be eliminated by pinfall or submissions. This breakdown will be based around like if Jim Ross was calling the match.
….3. Bret Hart has been eliminated from Clash of the Generations what a shocker. Hogan is about to hit the big boot and Foley ducks under him and look who it is its Mr. Socko. Hogan falls down. Foley still has socko in and it seems like foley aint letting go. What look at this Hulk Hogan is hulking up. Hogan gets Socko out of his mouth. Hogan says whatcha gonna do when hulkamania runs wild on you. Hogan hits the clothesline. The Hulkster then hits the leg drop. 1…2… kick out good god almighty how did mick foley power out of that leg drop that leg drop has put down so many greats but it doesn't put down Mrs.Foley's baby boy!!!! Mick Foley gets up tosses Hogan into the corner and is getting prepared to hit a ddt off the top rope . Foley hits the DDT onto the mat. Goodnight Hogan. Hogan has been eliminated from clash of the generations. Foley is doing this weird Dude Love celebration. Bob Backlund just got done brawling with John Cena. Locks in the Crossface Chickenwing on Foley. Foley has no were to go. Foley Taps out to the crossface chicken wing. We never saw that coming. When Backlund turns around he see's a Bruno Sammartino and a John Cena waiting for a fight. To be Continued. @TripleZ_87 @ZWrestleTalk It's here it's finally here you get to find out who won Clash of the Generations!!!!!!! ***Remember Clash of the Generations is based off voting and not my personal opinions ,Im just writing the story. 16 men will all start in the rings there will be 2 rings and 2 steel cages. You have to be eliminated by pinfall or submissions. This breakdown will be based around like if Jim Ross was calling the match.
Ding Ding Ding. There is 16 legends all together in 2 rings. Look at them go at Punk is attacking Cena, Bret Hart and Daniel Bryan are brawling what a way to start this match. Bret's laying some hard punches on Daniel Bryan. Bret got Daniel Bryan in the corner. Bryan pushes Bret off him and starts to hit some kicks. Yes. YES.YES.YES.YES OHHHHHH YES! Bret Hart is knocked down. Daniel Bryan is getting ready to hit the running knee on him. Oh no Daniel Bryan misses. Bret and Savage comes over to lift Bryan up for a suplex. Bret Hart lifts Daniel Bryan up hits a package piledriver. 1……..2……3. Daniel Bryan has been eliminated from clash of the generations. Savage was stalking Hart and Hart gets hit with an axehandle and Bret Hart is on the ground and Macho Man goes to the top. Then hits his famous elbow. 1……..2 kick out. What in the world Bret Hart has kicked out of Macho Man's elbow drop. Wait on the other side of the ring Mick Foley hit an elbow drop too Hulk Hogan. Foley goes for the cover and it's a kick out at 2. Foley keeps punching Hogan. Then Randy Savage comes over to help his former Mega Power buddy. Bret Hart suddenly gets up and hits hogan with a dropkick. Hogan rolls into the other ring. Bret then rolls up Savage when he was fighting Foley in the corner. Bret pins Savage 1…..2…..3. Good God almighty what a start to Clash of the Generations!!!!! Foley is now hitting Bret with elbows. Bret gets up and is hit by Foley's running clothesline. Foley then sets up a ddt. Foley goes for the cover 1……..2…. To be continued…. @TripleZ_87 @ZWrestleTalk |
Triple ZCreator of ZWrestleTalk. On this page read the first ever WWE Clash of the Generations. Fans voted for the winner and read this five part journey as I take you through the ultimate dream scenario. It's the craziest fiction wrestling tale ever told. ArchivesCategories |